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Having a community is critical to people’s mental health. It gives people a sense of belonging, support, and purpose.A new, tribally led initiative from Wisconsin Humanities wants to help indigenous people across the state create community.
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Vilas County trails also closed as of Tuesday morning, but for now they are calling it a temporary closure
The Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation says 44-year-old Jason Meister of Pearson has been charged with one count of abuse of residents of penal facilities, and one count of substantial battery
As ducks migrate back to the Northwoods, they’ll be looking for places to nest.Wood duck boxes are a good way for people to help ducks in that endeavor.
Wisconsin's largest utility provider is seeking approval for a new gas plant to help meet growing electricity demand, but a new report argues there are better ways to create a more reliable energy grid
Debris on highways and unsecured cargo cause nearly 1,000 crashes every year in Wisconsin
As birds begin to migrate north for the Summer, there’s a lot of concern this season about the disease they may be carrying.Reports of dead flocks of waterfowl infected with bird flu have already been reported in parts of Wisconsin.
Despite winter coming back strong this week, the Town of Boulder Junction announced earlier this week that Winter Park is closed for the season.It marks the end of inaugural season of The Glide, the ice-skating trail the town built through the woods.The Glide was built, in part, as a response to last year’s poor winter and the impact it had on the tourism industry.
As new federal policies and proposed funding cuts spark confusion and chaos, Wisconsinites are looking to voice their concerns to their elected officials, and some are being met with resistance
Tuesday, April 22nd at 6:00 P.M.